New Patient Information

Our new patient appointment is a two-part appointment.

Your Initial Visit (Part 1) will include:

– Consultation with Dr. Chad
– Digital postural assessment
– NASA published Neurological test
– Any X-rays needed
– Nerve scan

Your Follow Up Visit & Adjustment
(Part 2) will include:

• Doctor’s Report of Findings where we show you your X-rays and explain what we’re seeing with you.
• Doctor’s Personalized Recommendations for Care: Based on your X-rays, Dr. Chad will give you his chiropractic care recommendations specifically for you to help your spine heal so that you can function at your best with no neurological interference.
• Adjustment

Our office is a neurologically-based office. That means we want to know exactly what is going on with you and your spine before we adjust you. We want to not only find the root-cause of your health symptoms, but we want to help you understand your spine and how it relates to your nerves and all the other cells, organs, and tissues of your body. Our goal is to help you function at your best by relieving the pressure off your nerves through torque release adjustments so that you can have a strong, healthy spine for life! Your body functions from above then down, and from the inside out. If that flow of communication from your brain through your nerves to your cells is not aligned, you won’t be able to function at your best.

Regular Chiropractic Care Can Help Treat
• Sciatica
• Anxiety
• Stomach Disorders
• Bulging Discs
• Migraines
• Degeneration
• Shoulder Pain
• Ear Infections
• Colic
• Bed Wetting
• Neck Pain

AND…So Much More! Request Your Appointment Today!

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