Our bodies intake and endure so much in our day-to-day lives. The everyday stresses affect our minds and our bodies. Over the past few years, we have seen that regular chiropractic treatment decreases stress and relieves patients from anxiety. At Revelation Chiropractic, we have seen treatment relieve body aches and headache, lower blood pressure, boost positive hormones, and improve patients quality of sleep.
Relieves body aches, muscle tension, and headaches
With regular adjustments, chiropractic treatment can help release tension in the neck allowing for the release of headache and neck tension. This regular release can significantly drop the amount of stress and tension headaches in patients.
Lower Blood Pressure
Our clients have also experienced regular chiropractic treatments that have lowered patient blood pressure. Through adjustments and treatments, clients’ stress levels have been shown to decrease and, in turn, their blood pressure levels lower. Professional release of tension has also helped lower health risks and improved the quality of life for our patients at
Revelation Chiropractic
Releases Happy Hormones, Such As Neurotensin, Oxytocin, and Cortisol.
Tension release through regular chiropractic treatment releases positive hormones into your nervous system. When clients are adjusted, pain and stress are relieved, and hormones linked to joy are released into the bloodstream. This is a contributing factor as to how stress and anxiety can be soothed through regular chiropractic treatments.
Better Quality of Sleep
Once our clients have been adjusted, their bodies are aligned and pain is generally relieved. This leads to easier sleep and a boost in the quality of sleep. Our clients at Revelation Chiropractic have found there is no more tossing and turning while sleeping. More sleep has been known to boost serotonin and decrease feelings of stress.
Chiropractic treatments have a wide variety of benefits for each individual. There is no threshold that needs to be met in order to make an appointment for a chiropractic visit. Start feeling better, physically and mentally today! Anxiety and stress symptoms can be soothed through regular treatment at Revelation Chiropractic. You can schedule your appointment here!