The art of chiropractic technique has been around for a very long time. Over the centuries chiropractic treatments have continued to evolve and improve. With our modern understanding of the human body, chiropractic techniques have their place in medicine and health. One of the growing and more popular chiropractic techniques is the torque release. The torque release technique has proven to be highly effective and has greatly benefited so many patients. Revelation Chiropractic would like to put the spot light on the torque release technique and share more about this amazing chiropractic technique.
What is TRT Chiropractic Treatment?
The torque release technique is a specialized adjustment chiropractic method that is able to correct spinal misalignment or subluxations. The torque release technique is a gentle and non-invasive method and meets the goal of chiropractics. The torque release technique can help aid in the recovery of injuries and illness. With the torque release technique, a chiropractor can better manipulate the spine to create a more normal tone to the nervous system, and most importantly they do it very gently. Correcting the tone of the nervous system is often referred to as tonal technique. When the spinal tone is too high it will create stress on the musculoskeletal system, the dysfunction of the organs, and decreases the effectiveness in the body’s immune response. When the tone is too low it also has its negative effects. Low tone causes weakness in the muscles, causes aches, pain and interrupts the nervous system’s ability to conduct electrical impulse throughout the body. The torque release technique is designed to correct neurological tonal imbalance to help regulate the brain, spinal cord and the nervous system. The torque release technique uses an instrument which corrects the subluxation and misalignment in the spine with accuracy.
Does the Torque Release Technique Adjust Spine
The main focus of the torque release technique is to aid the nerves and pathways to promote healing and reduce pain. However, many people wonder if the spine itself is being adjusted or moved. The answer is yes. If the spine itself is out of alignment, the torque release technique helps to guide the spine back in place. The torque release technique uses an instrument that gently applies pressure along the spine which helps to realign the bone. There will be some tension and then a release of pressure. When there are sites of tension and pressure due to misalignment, it causes blockage in the nerves.
Are Chiropractic Treatments Good for Kids?
The torque release technique is so gentle and non-invasive that it is completely safe for children, including infants. Children of all ages from infant to adult can have the torque release technique. As the torque release technique uses light pressure combined with its effectiveness, often the torque release technique is highly recommended for infants and young children that have spinal problems.
Chiropractic Care & Therapy in Fort Collins, CO (Just Minutes from Loveland, Berthoud, Johnstown, Windsor and Wellington, Colorado)
The torque release technique helps the recovery of the nervous system. The torque release technique helps reduce pain, inflammation and numbness. If you find you need chiropractic treatment and want to see if the torque release technique is right for you, contact Revelation Chiropractic and make an appointment today.