Above, Down, Inside and Out: How Spinal Alignment Affects Your Health, Part IV

Part 4: Sacral Health

The sacral (lowest) section of the spine looks like the smallest and least important, but did you know proper alignment in the sacrum is vital for many health functions? Here are top four symptoms cause by misalignment in the sacral area and how chiropractic can help!


It’s a fact of life; miscommunications always end up causing problems. So if there’s a miscommunication between the brain and the bladder, issues such as incontinence and recurring bladder infections can develop. By removing the interference in your spine that is blocking nerve signals, chiropractors can help your body to begin to function more like the way it was created to!


It may be easy to assume that pain in your feet means there’s a problem with your feet, but what if the problem goes back even further? If a nerve is “pinched” between two misaligned vertebrae in your sacrum, it can cause pain, numbness, and tingling in your legs and feet. Instead of taking medication to cover up the problem, see a chiropractor and to get the root of the problem corrected!


Abdominal pain can be caused by a lot of different things, but in many cases, unlocking your body’s potential to communicate with your digestive system can enable your body to heal itself the way it was designed to! The nerves in the sacral section of your spine send important signals to your lower intestine, so making sure your sacrum is aligned can keep your body functioning well.


Irritable bowel syndrome is a painful condition that has a wide range of symptoms from cramping to constipation and diarrhea. Often this problem can be corrected or helped by chiropractic care. If the interference is removed and the nerves can send signals like they were designed to, the body has a much better chance of healing and functioning properly! With routine examinations and adjustments, your chiropractor will be able to begin correcting the effects of pinched nerves and misaligned vertebrae in the sacral region of your spine. If you have been experiencing any of these symptoms, taking medication may just be covering up the problem, not fixing it. Be sure to reach out to us here at Revelation Chiropractic we can help you begin experiencing the effects of better health immediately!

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